Friday, July 31, 2009

A Challenge

A friend of mine told me about a blog challenge of sorts. The idea is to post a picture everyday. I had mixed feelings about the idea. First I thought who wants a glimpse into my rather mundane life? Then I thought, well I do get asked a lot how do I do it with 4 kids? Since I rarely have an answer for that, I think this may help me to remember.

I hope one day I will look back at the everyday things that happened in this house and actually be able to remember the mundane!

So, starting tomorrow, you will see a picture from me (or maybe 2 or 3!)

*disclaimer~ no names will be used. You will not see anything in the background that will let you know where I live. You will probably never see a picture of Mr Rocks face either. I am scared of Internet stalkers.


  1. What a great idea!!!!
    I can't wait to see!

  2. Great idea! And I agree about the stalkers! I think I want to do this, but may go private for that one too..hmmm..

  3. I look forward to following along! :)
